An Introduction to Travel Insurance For Students

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If you're about to take the great leap into the unknown and study overseas for a time, one arrangement that shouldn't be overlooked is your insurance. Accidents do happen, and it's always better to be prepared, so that if something does go wrong, you come through it a bit easier.

What cover do students normally need?

The most important items to be covered for are medical expenses, dental emergencies, return flights home and personal liability. Other items that are also important are cover for your equipment (because if your laptop isn't covered it might be hard to study without one should it get stolen) and the cost to replace travel documents.

As an Australian student travelling overseas which countries provide reciprocal health care?

Some countries do have reciprocal health care with Australia, and these include:

o New Zealand
o The United Kingdom
o The Republic of Ireland
o Sweden
o The Netherlands
o Finland
o Italy
o Malta
o Norway

You will need to show them your passport and Medicare card to receive health care, so make sure your Medicare card goes with you and is valid for the whole time you are away.

For other countries, you will need to have travel insurance to cover medical costs, particularly if they are expensive, such as the USA, or below par, in which case you might need to be evacuated to another country to receive adequate care.

What are the main considerations when buying student travel insurance

While the most obvious consideration may be budget, be careful not to choose the cheapest policy over the more comprehensive one.

While the most obvious consideration may be budget, be careful not to choose the cheapest policy over the more comprehensive one.

First, make sure that you have unlimited medical cover. This is important because medical bills can be a lot more expensive than you think, and unlimited cover means you are not stuck with bills that run into the tens of thousands (it's quite enough to have a student debt as it is, let alone medical bills on top!).

Second, make sure that the personal liability in the policy is adequate. Some policies cap this at $1million, while others will offer up to $5million. This may or may not include legal fees, so be sure on this point also. Some policies will list legal fees as a separate item, and if this is the case, make sure they will cover at least $50,000.

While it may not seem important at the time of signing up, it's good to check on the policy's cover for accidental death, repatriation of remains and permanent disability. One policy reviewed offered only $5000 for accidental death, which would hardly be enough for repatriation and funeral expenses. Another policy offered well over $75,000 for permanent disability and unlimited expenses for repatriation of remains. It's not nice to think about, but nonetheless it's an important point to consider.

Your time overseas will no doubt be filled with plenty of good times you will remember for the rest of your life. But it pays to be secure in the knowledge that if something does go awry you are not working for the next 20 years to pay it off.

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Worldwide Travel Insurance Covers You No Matter What Country You Travel To

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You have been planning to have your dream vacation for months. You also want to know that should the unexpected occur so far away from home, you have help close at hand. Some insurance policies are only available to those who are traveling to Europe but worldwide insurance is for those interested in traveling all around the world. Getting the best travel insurance is always a good choice before you travel. In common also with most insurance policies, worldwide insurance is qualified by restrictions and limitations. While you are planning for your vacation, you should also consider getting extra money for you to enjoy the trip.

As a wise traveler, one should always be prepared before going on a vacation. A lot of people ask if worldwide travel insurance is important and the answer is yes. Always bear in mind that worldwide insurance cover gives you all the financial protection you need in times of travel accidents. In order for you to survive an tiresome and dangerous travel, then you will need to have the support of your travel insurance. There are just many unfortunate events that could go beyond our control such as flight delay, lost baggage and accidents.

World travel insurance is indeed something that you should get when you are traveling so that you can receive monetary service. No one ever wants to think of anything going wrong, but the reality is that there is always risk involved when you are on the road. Whenever you are planning for a long trip, then you need to get worldwide travel insurance so you can get the best financial support should you need it. It simply stands that with worldwide insurance cover, you can go on with pleasurable feeling, leaving you a stress-free and worry-free vacation.

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How to Choose the Best Family Travel Insurance Cover

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If you're going on holiday with your family, then you'll want to know that your family travel insurance actually does cover you.

Here's how to get the best family travel insurance.

1. You'll need to know what you want it for. Will you just ant health insurance? Just for your luggage and personal possessions, or for everything? You won't want to think that you're covered on your household policy only to discover you aren't.

2. Different types of holiday require different levels of travel insurance. You're much less likely to break a limb whilst sitting on a beach for a fortnight, compared to snowboarding, or skiing. You're probably more likely to lose your camera on a city break. You'll need to ensure that you've got the right level of cover.

3. Once you think you've found the right policy, you'll need to find out what it actually covers, and whether it's relevant to you. Even if you're only going on holiday for a short while, you still don't want to take a chance with your family's health.

4. You'll need to find out what the excess charge is. You won't want to drop your camera, and have to pay the first £100 of any claim.

5. It's a good idea to find out what the insurance policy says regarding the replacement of lost or broken items. Is there a like for like policy? Do you only get what the old item is currently worth?

6. If you go on holiday several times a year, then it might be better to get an annual policy, rather than a policy for each trip. Perhaps your policy will cover you whilst you travel on business as well.

7. Many foreign countries don't have free healthcare, unlike the UK so you'll need to be aware that medical treatment is likely to cost. Having adequate travel insurance that covers health, injuries and illness will be worth it if a family member is injured, or is taken ill whilst abroad. You don't want to be faced with a massive bill for hospital treatment.

8. Why not try looking online for your travel insurance policy? It's quicker and than having to ring up lots of providers, and you're bound to get a better quote, as the overheads will be lower.

9. Booking your family travel insurance through your holiday company when you book your holiday might prove to be more expensive than booking it separately.

10. As the level of cover, for your possessions and yur health is the moist important aspect of your family travel insurance, it's essential that you don't pick a cheap family travel insurance policy solely because of the cost. The cheapest won't be right for you unless it gives you the cover you need. You don't want to discover that your policy isn't what you thought it was when you try and claim.

Now you know what to look for, you'll be able to get the cover you need for your family, and get good value for money too.

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Buy Cheap Backpackers' Travel Insurance

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Backpackers usually travel on a budget. But just like the average traveler, they are at a risk of injuries or accidents when abroad. Sometimes they're even at a greater risk because they go from one country to another.

Whether they're scuba diving in Cairns or trekking the slopes of Thailand, a traveler must have backpackers travel insurance. They tend to explore off the beaten tracks and if that is the case, then there is a higher possibility of them getting involved in robberies.

They are also prone to illnesses because they travel overnight or sleep in hostels or dorm rooms.

A practical traveler ensures that he is in good hands by purchasing backpackers travel insurance. He gets one before he leaves. Backpackers travel insurance is specifically designed to meet the needs of a traveler.

These plans offer high levels of coverage for long periods of travel. A traveler can get the backpackers travel insurance from one week to two years.

One must also remember that just because it's called backpackers travel insurance, it does not mean that they will be roughing it.

Backpackers travel insurance serves as a cheaper and effective alternative to single trip travel insurance plans. In fact, some plans cover extras like sports and ski protection.

They might need this along the way because no one knows what may happen while they are traveling. When looking for backpackers travel insurance, there are the standards that the traveler must look out for.

Here are some features that must be included in the backpackers travel insurance. First of all, it must have the Emergency Medical Cover. This covers the cost of any event that needs urgent medical attention.

It must also have Rescue and Repatriation. This is the insurance that the costs will be paid by the insurance provider. Since rescue comes with the package, this includes helicopter rescue as well.

Other features are Personal Liability. This means that the insurance provider is legally responsible to cover any injury, accident, or harm that might be inflicted on the traveler. Then there's Holiday Cancellation.

This is the need to make the trip short, just in case something comes up. The individual will then be compensated for the amount that was lost.

Also included in the insurance is the Baggage and Possessions Cover. Just in case the possessions of the traveler have been stolen or lost, then the insurance provider will cover the administrative costs that were incurred.

This includes paying for replacing the passport that has been stolen.

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Pregnancy and Travel Insurance

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Travelling while pregnant can be a bit of a gamble. "When should be your cut off date? What kinds of travel are worse than others for heavily pregnant mothers? Should you risk it if the destination isn't prepared for or can't or won't offer maternity care?" The last worry you would want on top of this is "how much will it cost?" We take a look at the world of travel and pregnancy and see how having travel insurance on holiday is very important when pregnant.

When can and should you travel?

Experts differ as to when you should stop all travel if you are pregnant. To an extent it depends on the type of transport you are taking. Driving isn't usually a problem, nor is walking unless you are trekking along very strenuous trails (though doing almost anything close to the due date may induce labour). Travelling by ship or train are, similarly, not huge problems. The main type of travel that is unsafe while pregnant is flying. The pressurised environment is arguably bad for the baby the closer to term a woman gets, and may cause complications and possible premature births.

Most airlines, for example British Airways, don't allow pregnant women past 28 weeks to travel. Others allow you to fly after that with a doctor's certificate up to 36 weeks and not at all after that, but that can be pushing the limit.

Will my usual travel insurance cover me?

Many companies offer travel insurance up until 28 weeks, depending on the company and the individual case. Most standard travel insurance policies don't cover pregnancy as a medical condition, and therefore it's best to check with your holiday insurance provider before you go. Many standard and cheap travel insurance companies will offer top-up pregnancy travel insurance policies, and it's best to invest in one of those even just for the peace of mind it will bring. It's also best to check the facilities of the country you are travelling to and what documentation you might need - better to be prepared than be caught short while abroad where there's little you can do.

Do I only need travel insurance if going by plane?

No. When pregnant you will want to have the extra travel insurance in place even if you are going by train, ship, car or any other transport. This is because the main point of travel insurance whilst you are pregnant is to literally ensure that you can be pregnant and give birth in another country if necessary. Most countries have no national health provision, and health care is paid for on insurance or billed to your account when your procedure is over. Some go as far as not treating you if you are unable to pay for the treatment there and then. The last thing that you want when going into labour is to have someone questioning your financial situation. To make sure that you are covered for any foreign medical expenses, always check that you have travel insurance before booking your holiday.

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Over 65 Travel Insurance - 3 Tips to Get the Best Senior Travel Insurance

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Finding the right insurance to suit your individual needs can be a tricky task. This is especially the case when it comes to over 65 travel insurance.

The fact is that some travel insurance providers are unwilling to insure senior citizens. Their reluctance is based on their assumption that those aged over 65 are more prone to accidents and falling ill whilst on holiday, which is why travellers over 65 can find themselves having to pay as much as three times more than a younger person.

However, don't despair. There are still plenty of insurers and policies to choose from that can offer you a great deal if you shop around and follow the 3 following tips:

1. Don't buy insurance from a travel agent. Although your tour operator or travel agent may offer to arrange insurance for you, they themselves are not insurers. Another insurance company will actually provide the policy, which will probably not be the best for your needs, nor particularly competitively priced. A specialized travel insurance provider is better placed to offer you a better deal.

2. Cut out policy options you are unlikely to need. A lot of standard policies will incorporate cover for things you just will not need, so be sure to remove them. For instance, why pay for the privilege of being covered to bungee jump, scuba dive etc, if you have no intention (or stomach!) to do them?

3. Take out a single-trip policy. Unless you are planning to travel abroad a number of times during a year, you will usually find that a single-trip policy is better suited and better value for travelers aged over 65.

The Internet is a great resource for those looking for the best value over 65's travel insurance. You will find a host of specialist travel insurance providers online that can offer you that piece of mind cover at a very reasonable price. Just take your time, and be sure to get a few quotes to compare.

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Annual Multi Trip Travel Insurance For Avid Travelers

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Annual multi trip travel insurance policies are a cost effective option for those who are considering travel coverage. These policies are feasible for those who plan to travel frequently during the course of the year and each stay is a long one. The maximum duration of each stay can be sixty days.

You can get both individual and family coverage under annual multi trip travel insurance policy. The family policy will cover two adults and all children below eighteen years of age.

An annual policy offers you extensive coverage, which includes up to ten thousand dollars for medical and repatriation and other benefits like vacation abandonment, catastrophe, personal effects, hospital benefit, personal accident hijack and baggage, cancellation and curtailment, personal liability, personal money, missed departure, travel delay and legal expenses.

Travel has become a necessity for almost everyone. Reasons can be different though; some need to travel for work while others travel to run away from their routine. It therefore has become very important for all travel insurance companies to provide all travelers with good insurance coverage. This is the case with annual multi trip travel insurance providers. They need to provide customized and affordable insurance policies to frequent travelers.

If you plan to make frequent trips in the coming year, then it is advisable to purchase multi trip travel insurance coverage rather than a single trip insurance policy. The cost of single trip insurance coverage would cost much more than a multi trip policy. Annual insurance packages provide better coverage at an affordable price. However, before going out and getting multi trip insurance coverage, you first need to figure out your travel plans and then get a customized policy.

At the very least, getting an annual multi trip travel insurance policy makes sense when you plan to travel more than once a year. This ensures that you can save your money and spend it for the right reasons rather than buying insurance for each of your trips.

Annual insurance plans ensure that you get coverage for each and every trip you make during a year, including both short duration as well as long duration trips with stopovers. You can be rest assured that all eventualities that happen while you are traveling will be taken care of by the annual insurance policy that you have purchased.

Buying the right insurance policy for travel purposes is very important as it can be the deciding factor in making your trip a pleasant one. For frequent travelers, multi trip travel insurance can be an unbeatable option when we talk of insurance plans pertaining to travel.

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