AXA's Independent Travel Insurance

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Insurance provider, AXA has launched an independent travel insurance, despite the present financial turmoil's that are due to the credit crunch.

In spite of the increasing economic gloom, the holiday season is approaching and millions of Brits will be preparing to travel abroad over the summer months. But AXA warns that increasing numbers of people arranging their own holidays may be leaving themselves exposed despite taking out travel insurance.

Over the last few years the number of Independent Travelers has overtaken the number of Package Holiday Travelers. Internet access and low-cost airlines have helped escalate this trend - in 2006 over 16 million Independent Travelers headed overseas for holidays between April and September.

However, insurance provision has not kept pace with the changing profile of the British holidaymaker and Independent Travelers, can find that there are gaps in their insurance cover, which AXA are addressing with their Independent Travelers cover, available with AXA travel insurance from their website,

The new product is an optional extension which costs as little as an additional £10 for annual European cover. It covers travelers for a number of areas such as problems with flight cancellations or delays, missed connections or the customer being denied boarding.

With a package holiday, the tour operator or travel agent is legally required to make suitable alternative arrangements for such eventualities, but the independent traveller must make and pay for their own arrangements.

Edward Dutton, AXA's Personal Insurance Director said: "We are aware from our own claims area that Independent Travellers have run into problems with their travel insurance and a recent report from Defaqto underlined the need for insurers to offer cover that helps customers when things go wrong - the things that would normally be picked up by a tour operator or travel agent if it were a package holiday.

Dutton continued: "We believe that the rise of the Independent Traveller is something that all insurers should be addressing; as the Ombudsman pointed out in his latest report - 'There is clearly a mismatch in what insurers intend to offer and the cover that consumers believe they are buying.'"

The additional cover offered by this optional extension includes, delayed departure compensation for delays exceeding 5 hours occurring at the departure point of any connecting flights or booked public transportation on both the outbound and return journeys.

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Finding Travel Insurance for Pre-Existing Medical Conditions

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What would happen if you had a month's trip to America booked - departing in six months time - and were unexpectedly diagnosed with lung cancer? Suppose you had to cancel your holiday and go in for immediate surgery. If you had been smart and taken out travel insurance - effective from the date you booked the trip - you should be able to recover costs associated with the cancellation of the trip (after any excess payable). However, if you had waited until the day before departure to purchase travel insurance your cancellation costs would not be covered. Some people try to squeeze extra mileage out of their annual travel insurance policy by making the start date of the policy the date of the first departure. This is a risky thing to do because there will be no cover for cancellation costs if anything should go wrong prior to the departure date.

Just suppose you'd been having tests and investigations within the last year for lung-related problems but failed to declare this fact when purchasing travel insurance. During your scuba diving holiday in California, you start coughing up blood all over the dive boat. You have to seek emergency medical care and a diagnosis of lung cancer is confirmed. Would you be covered for the high emergency medical costs or curtailment of your trip? Probably not.

Anyone with a serious pre-existing medical condition will already know that obtaining travel insurance can be tricky, but not impossible. Some travel insurance companies exclude all claims related to pre-existing medical conditions. Some insurers will cover for pre-existing conditions without any additional premium. Other travel insurance companies may have a medical screening system, usually carried out over the telephone or online. A series of questions is asked to assess the risk and determine whether insurance can be issued. If approved, there may be a choice to either pay an additional premium to cover the pre-existing condition - or elect not to pay the extra premium and exclude claims relating to the risk.

Common conditions such as hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes and asthma can all cause problems when trying to obtain travel insurance - especially if combined with other conditions, so never neglect to disclose something as common as high cholesterol thinking that it is insignificant! All questions must be answered fully and honestly.

As with any type of insurance, there are always exclusions. Some insurers will refuse to insure those with pre-existing conditions involving cancer, serious kidney problems (requiring dialysis), serious heart conditions, strokes and HIV, AIDS, or any AIDS-related problems. They also do not cover for suicide or suicide attempts - in case you're thinking of jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge!

Most travel insurance policies will carry similar wording and it is wise to read and understand the terms and conditions. For instance, there might be clauses stating that you should never travel against the advice of a medical practitioner, or to obtain medical treatment abroad (unless already disclosed and pre-approved). The same goes for those on waiting lists for surgery or procedures, or awaiting the results of medical tests. There are specialist travel insurers who will often cover terminal illnesses.

During the medical screening, you may be asked specific questions, such as: have you been a hospital inpatient or had any medical condition that requires ongoing medication, or referral to a specialist within the past twelve months? Have you ever suffered from, been diagnosed with, or treated for cancer (or other malignant disease), a heart or lung condition (excluding well-controlled asthma), high blood pressure or any psychiatric disorder?

Any claims you make which relate directly or indirectly to the types of conditions listed above will normally be excluded - unless you declared the condition and it was accepted by the underwriter, subject to any conditions or additional premiums imposed. Whether or not a particular travel insurance company is willing to offer insurance will depend upon different factors, depending on the underwriter, so it is wise to shop around and obtain quotes.

The biggest mistake is taking the risk of failing to disclose a condition to obtain the insurance. You might get away with it if there are no problems and you have no reason to make a claim. However, if the worst should happen, the insurance company has ways to find out - and they will find out - about any pre-existing conditions! You could find yourself with huge medical bills and your insurance claims denied. With the high cost of medical treatment in some countries (the USA especially) it simply is not worth it. Always be completely honest so that you can have peace of mind and enjoy your holiday without worrying about every twinge!

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Best and Worst Times to Travel to Europe

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When planning your European trip, check your arrival and departures dates and see if they take into account peak, off-peak and shoulder travel periods.

Peak periods are the times when majority of travelers fly in and out of countries and these periods usually coincide with school holidays, Christmas, Easter and New Year. The country you are flying into will also have peak periods unique to that country, so expect flights and accommodation to be heavily booked and tickets to be more expensive. This peak period generally covers late December to January (because of the Christmas season) and late June to the end of August (summer break). Travel during the Christmas holidays can be difficult as plane ticket prices soar and ski resorts start overcharging. Public transport is also reduced in most areas since only a few trains will leave on Christmas day. The "shoulder period" is in spring and autumn and the low or "off-peak" periods are usually in the remaining months and in the winter.

If you have only a limited time to see Europe, your best bet is to fly in and out during a shoulder period. Prices are almost at their lowest and travel conditions are great because you can avoid the crowds and the overpricing. If you have a lot of time to spare in Europe, try flying in the low season when fares are cheapest so you have more money to spread over your stay. It's always a good idea to start checking airfares 3-4 months before you leave. Airlines are starting to discount in order to reward early bookers and there's a lot time to wait if you think they're too high. The cheapest ticket prices might turn up on the net or at your ticket office at anytime. And while you're at it, make sure you've already reserved your accommodation 6 weeks to 2 months before you leave. It's a good idea to reserve a hotel for your arrival and departure days. The rest can be reserved afterwards. Also, remember to check for travel dangers and updates. Your government and insurance company might draw the line if you visit a certain territory they've warned you about. Be informed about the dangers and uprisings in the country you are visiting and do last-minute updates to check conditions right before you leave.

For most seasoned travelers, the best time to see Europe is from April to June and September to October when the weather is still warm, the holiday crowds have left and accommodation and transport are regularly priced.

In contrast, the single worst time to visit most parts of Europe (especially the western and southern countries) is the month of August. This is when many Europeans leave and take their holidays in nearby countries as well. The cities can be deserted and as a result, accommodation prices shoot up and finding a bed can be very difficult. Buses and trains will often be packed and it can be a struggle to get a seat while you cross countries. Even most tourist shops and sites can be closed because the proprietors have gone on holiday as well! There's little doubt that July and August are the busiest tourist months in Europe (mainly because of Americans on vacation) and it will require a lot of patience and money. Avoid these months as much as you can. If you really must travel in the high season, your best course of action is to stay away from the major cities and choose the off-track towns and villages and indulge in the local culture.

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Baggage Insurance and Personal Effects Coverage

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One of the worst feelings in the whole world is to be away from home on holiday and discovering that your luggage has been stolen. Or, perhaps the bag that contains your laptop computer has seemingly grown legs and walked away, never to be seen again. Or, worst of all, your wallet or handbag that contains your money, traveler's checks, passport, visa, cell phone, and other important objects is nowhere to be found.

Most people would begin to panic on the spot, and the rest of their holiday would be ruined. However, if you'd had the forethought to purchase baggage insurance and personal effects coverage along with your policy, you wouldn't be nearly as upset. Inconvenienced, yes... but secure in the knowledge that filing a claim with your travel insurance would reimburse you for all of your lost items, subject to the policy terms and conditions.

Baggage insurance and personal effects coverage also covers any losses due to damaged or delayed items. Say your luggage was lost by the airline, and you have nothing but your carry on bag that contains a candy bar, your iPod, a crossword puzzle book, and a sweater. No change of clothes, and no toiletries. Or maybe your suitcases were damaged by an overzealous baggage handler, and now have large jagged holes in them.

Whatever the case, baggage insurance and personal effects coverage will reimburse you for any costs you incur in purchasing new luggage, or buying a few outfits and some toiletries so you will have something to wear until the airline hopefully finds your bags in a few days. Or, in the case that your luggage is truly lost for good, your travel insurance will reimburse you for the items in your suitcase, up to the maximum coverage amount.

The price of a travel insurance policy with baggage insurance and personal effects coverage will vary, depending on which company you choose, and then on the individual policy from that company. How do you find a good travel insurance policy? A good way to get an overview of all the different kinds of travel insurance that are available is to do an online search for "travel insurance". Take some time to go through several of the results the search engine brings back. When you see a travel insurance company whose offerings interest you, email the insurance professional who oversees the web site to ask any questions you may have.

When you are ready to purchase baggage insurance and personal effects coverage along with a travel insurance policy, you can do business right online. You will be provided with a quote, sometimes an instant quote, for a policy that will be well suited to your needs. You'll be able to see your policy online, too. It's no trouble to see exactly what type of policy you are buying before you pay the premium.

Baggage insurance and personal effects coverage, along with a good travel insurance policy, can save you money, time, and a lot of stress.

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Travel Arrangements and Insurance

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There are many different types of traveller. There are business men and women who are flying from one city to another for brief meetings, then there are families taking a two week holiday to the sun with young children, then there are students or gap year travellers who will be backpacking around exotic locations on extremely low budgets. There are really about as many different types of traveller as there are different types of person.

There are many different approaches you can take to booking your travel arrangements. Your main priority may be convenience, for example if you have a meeting near the airport you will need airport accommodation and little else, however, if you are travelling for pleasure, you are likely to have far less restrictions and will be willing to consider all types of arrangements. You can have these arranged for you by a travel agent or you could do it for yourself online. Or alternatively, you may wish to simply travel to a city or country with absolutely no plans and just see what happens when you get there.

On of the things you should always travel with is proper health and travel insurance. Obviously your requirements will again vary depending on what kind of travel you are undertaking. If you are travelling for business, full travel insurance that will provide you with alternative flights if yours is cancelled or delayed will be important. For most holiday travellers, this may not be quite as important. If you are travelling with children you may wish to consider it, but otherwise you may be quite flexible and tolerant if delays do occur. But you may be more worried about your luggage and belongings and wish to have good coverage for loss or damage to your property. All these options are available today with the various travel insurance companies that are operating in the market.

Generally speaking, you will always need health insurance when you travel. You cannot afford to take the risk that an accident or serious injury occurs and you do not have proper coverage. There are many parts of the word where free national health insurance is not provided and if you do require medical treatment, it will only be provided if you can pay for it. Particularly if you are travelling with children, you should always arrange adequate travel insurance with medical coverage. This is simply a risk that you do not want to be bearing yourself especially when the cost of travel insurance is so affordable.

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Pet Insurance Questions Pet Owners Should Ask Themselves

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Do you really need pet insurance? THE question....

The following questions will help you decide.

1. When the time comes, will you be able to make the decision between what is best for your pet and what you can afford?

We never want to think about it, but we have to be prepared for the unexpected. Unprepared owners could be faced with putting their pet down because they simply cannot afford the medical costs. Dr. Adams of Emory Animal Hospital says, "If they have a fracture that they can't afford to mend, they might choose amputation rather than fix the fracture."

2. Can you watch your pet every second of every day?

Accidents happen when you least expect them. Pets run out the door and eat things they shouldn't. Rachel from Morrison, Colorado has first-hand experience. One day her dog, Abbey, had come home from her usual romp in the woods around her house. But poor Abbey was covered in hives. She had trouble breathing and started vomiting! Luckily, Rachel had pet health insurance and her $680 bill only cost her about three dollars after she sent in her claim!

3. Can you really find cheap pet insurance? When was the last time that anything concerning a doctor was cheap?

Veterinary costs can skyrocket with even the simplest illness. Pet insurance can help protect you from unnecessary fees while allowing your pet to continue receiving regular treatments.

4. How much do you really save?

Think about your monthly bills - house payments, car payments, loans, monthly sums you invest in your retirement, etc. How much have you saved in case of an emergency? Would your savings cover your medical costs if something happened tomorrow?

5. Did you know that veterinary costs are rising faster than the average salary?

Really! They are!

6. Is a couple of dollars a month worth your pet's life?

It doesn't have to cost a fortune to insure your pet.

7. Doesn't your pet deserve it?

Of course, every pet deserves to be well taken care of. Having the financial resources to care for our pets is a responsibility we all should take seriously!

8. How do you find the best pet insurance plan for you and your pet?

First of all, remember to always do your research before you pick a plan. Start with the facts about pet insurance plans in general then find out the details about each plan. You should know what each plan covers or excludes, if the plan has any restrictions, and the costs of deductibles and co-payments.

When comparing plans with similar benefits, remember the old saying "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is".

Remember, insurance contracts are legal agreements, and they say what they mean in legal language. Don't let this scare you away from thinking about pet insurance???

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Overseas Medical Insurance

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When you are away from home on holiday, or on a business trip, the last thing in the world you want to happen is to suddenly become ill. There's something about being sick that makes you long for the familiarity of home and your own bed instead of the strange one in a rather impersonal hotel room. And no one wants to even think about having to make an emergency visit to a hospital while you are travelling. Unfortunately, these things happen all too frequently. Play it safe and make sure you have travel and overseas medical insurance away from home so that you'll have one less thing to worry about during your trip.

What can having travel medical insurance when you are abroad do for you? If you get sick and have a medical emergency while you are on holiday, subject to the policy terms and conditions, travel medical insurance will reimburse you for any money that you spend on medical expenses up to a preset amount, and will pay for a friend or relative to fly in and accompany you home if you are too sick to travel alone. The policy would also pay in the event that you have to make an emergency evacuation, and if you should die while on holiday, travel medical insurance will pay up to a preset amount to send your remains back to your home. Ambulance expenses and all hospital costs are also paid by medical insurance whilst overseas.

All travel insurance policies are not alike, and will reimburse the policy holder different amounts. If you are thinking that you might have need of travel medical insurance, you should definitely take the time to do some research online and find a company who offers a travel insurance policy that contains the coverage you are seeking. You will be able to compare quotes and choose the policy that is the most cost effective for you.

There are two main types of travel medical insurance that you can use whilst overseas. One is often called standard travel medical insurance, and the other is called annual multi-trip travel medical insurance. Standard travel medical insurance is for people who are planning on taking a one off holiday or journey. Annual multi-trip travel medical insurance is for people who are planning to travel more than once during a one year period.

Medical costs are skyrocketing all over the world. If you should become ill while travelling, you could be looking at a huge medical bill unless you have prepared ahead of time and have overseas medical insurance away from home.

Medical insurance away from home will give you peace of mind while you are travelling. It is well worth the small amount it costs to get a policy started!

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How to Find Good Diamond Insurance

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When considering how to find good diamond insurance for your
precious diamond jewelry, there are a few things you need to
know about diamond insurance policies, and what they cover
and don't cover. It's a specialized type of insurance, and
your insurance agent may not have all the information he or
she needs to craft a suitable policy for you, so it's up to
you to come armed with all the particulars you're concerned

There are basically three types of diamond insurance
available, and these are Actual Cash Value, Replacement
Value, and Agreed Value. Actual Cash Value means that your
diamond will be insured at today's actual market rate for
the diamond, irrespective of what you paid for it.
Replacement Value means that the insurance company will pay
up to a certain amount to replace the diamond. They may
actually pay lees than the policy states, as they can often
get a better replacement deal than you can. Agreed Value is
simply that; you and the insurance company come to an
agreement on the value of the diamond, and that is what
they'll pay in the event of a loss. This type is rare, and
if you can get it, jump on it! Most times people are steered
into Replacement Value, but that shouldn't be your first
choice if you have one. Try for Agreed Value, then Actual
Cash Value first.

Most diamond insurance polices are written as riders to your
homeowners or renters insurance. There is one more major
thing to keep in mind, especially as regards Replacement
Value insurance. Don't opt for the insurance companies
appraiser when assessing the value of your diamonds. They
work for them, and you should know that if they set the
value of your diamonds at $15,000 and after a loss they find
they can replace the diamonds for $5000, that's what they'll
do. Why that is significant is that all this time you'll
have been paying premiums based on $15,000, not $5000. Big
difference. Always insist on an independent appraiser.

Finding good diamond insurance isn't all that hard, but like
anything else when it comes to any type of insurance, you'll
want to be armed with the facts so you won't overpay, or
find yourself underinsured.

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Buy These Travel Services can benefit you,

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Travel services are part of the fast-growing sector of tourism in the United States. Specialized services to travel agencies, should provide the demand as never before and to play a crucial role in managing their travel guests.

There are a number of reasons why travelers require travel services. Some of these are the best hotel deals, packages, stress-free holiday, route planning and guidance. While domestictravel can be managed without the expert guidance of a good travel agent, you will need his services for a trip abroad.

The following are some of the important reasons are why you need to use the services of an agent for your travel plans:

For local travel:

Many travelers use the services of a local travel agent in their use of most of the cheap airfares and tour packages premises that wish to offer. For most passengers, there is the convenience,is very important when planning a trip. If everything is handled automatically, you need a lot of time and energy to book tickets on-line reservations for car rentals, booking hotel rooms and so on.

However, if you are working with a travel agency, takes care of all your travel needs and makes sure that he is the best offer that fits your budget works. Hotels inextricably with travel agents important to customers to ensure allthroughout the year. Discounts and packages that can be sustained only if it intends to express your trip with these agencies.

For expatriate

Besides the convenience of booking your holiday with the help of an agent Ravel, you can be sure that a holiday without stress, even in high season. Are not small matters such as regular travel easier to manage if you're on the road, in a strange land.
If you know someone who hasCountry first, you have to do on the Internet for information on the country. Often the images on the Internet are misleading and you may end up with a bad deal. If you are planning a trip during peak season, you can not make reservations or book flights with ease.

Your travel agent will ensure a stress free trip to some of the most exotic destinations in the world.

Negotiation - travel agencies are in a better position to negotiate forGood deals because they have access to all available flights, rental cars, vacation packages and hotel reservations.

Viewed - your travel agent familiar with the visa of the country you are traveling. In addition, you can look forward to a smooth application process when working with a travel agent. Travel agencies can also help to obtain or renew a passport to facilitate your trip.

Professional advice - your agent can help a piece of chalkconvenient location-based attractions and also informed about the label, the culture and customs of this country. You can also support your travel agent for the exchange.

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Cheap Flights For College Students - Easy Ways To Get Them

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Privilege is always given to student travelers and the internet has a wide list of air fares at a discounted rate for traveling. There are even websites that solely cater information to address this need for the best air travel deals. There are also sites that provide traveler insurance alongside domestic and international destinations. It is not hard to find cheap flights for college students in these websites.

Statravel is one of the many websites that offer cheap flights for college students. They also include cut-rate promotions of flights with several airlines packaged with hotels. Other travel methods such as car rentals are also offered in this website. Anything you can think of that is student and travel related services like travel loans, international identification cards and cheap travel insurance, are in statravel.

Check out studentuniverse and you will be amazed with cheapest prices they offer for student travels. The website is a smorgasbord of traveling options aside from the cheaper airway tickets. They have train deals, travel insurance plans, great value in hotels, and the best part is they can help coordinate to travel in groups for educational purposes. Even vacation packages for students they also cater for booking.

Another stand out travel dedicated website to check out is Travelosophy. Its search engine is amazing helping with tips specifically get the best possible deal for their vacation and home trip. Of course, discount airline tickets are abound here to book.

Hints to Save on Airfares

College students are priority for standby tickets. Bearers of this ticket can get on board the plane at a cut-price fare had there is an unclaimed seat. This makes the student trips at less the cost of the normal rates, which makes it reasonable for students who live it off in their allowances. Standby tickets might give the perks of travelling first class to students even their tickets are discounted since wherever the unclaimed seat is, first class or economy class, the student has the privilege to take that. However, college students can be worn down by being stuck while in the long wait given all seats are claimed in their chosen flights. Worst, it will take them days stranded in the airport due unavailability of flights.

Cheap flights for college students can also take the form of an overnight flight. This is a very early morning flight that you must catch to get a few bucks off the rates. Showing student I.D's also help to slash a few dollars with the airfare.

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Travel Insurance Tips - Get the Right Plan For You

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Traveling overseas should be a dream but, as in all aspects of life, sometimes things can go wrong. A great way to prepare for some unfortunate possibilities that you may experience is to ensure that you get travel insurance before you go. Whilst you do not want to think about the possibility of things going wrong on your holiday, there is always the possibility that something unfortunate could happen.

There are a number of travel insurance providers on the market. Some of these providers are better than others. Here are some tips for you to follow to get the right plan for you.

Get A Number of Quotes

You need to make sure that you get a number of quotes for your travel insurance as some providers are more expensive than others. You should get your insurance that offers you the best price for the country that you are traveling to.

Look for Inclusions and Exclusions

If a travel insurance quote seems too good to be true, it probably is. You need to make sure you properly read the terms and conditions. You need to make sure that you know what you are covered for in the event that there is a problem. You also need to know what you need to do should you need to make a claim.

At a Minimum, Get Medical, Loss/ Theft, and Missing Flights Covered

For most people, the basic cover that you need is medical, cover against theft of loss of goods and coverage for if you miss flights etc. There are other levels of cover to consider but these coverage inclusions depend on your own special circumstances.

One thing that you must organise before you travel overseas is travel insurance. For a small cost on top of your international adventures, you will save yourself a lot of trouble and financial heartache should something go wrong.

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RV and Auto Insurance Basic tips

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There is a great deal of overlap between RV and auto policies. If you have a motorized RV, you will need some of the same coverage's provided by an auto policy plus specialized RV coverage's. I will attempt to explain a few things to consider without confusing you.

Regardless of the insurance company you decide to use, there are a handful of basic coverage's you will need to have in your policy. Again, this coverage is very similar, if not identical, to the coverage you have on your personal auto insurance policy. This coverage can be broken down into two different categories; liability and physical damage. All motorized RV's will have some form of liability coverage. Towable RV's like travel trailers and 5th wheel trailers do not have any liability coverage. However, if you own a travel trailer or 5th wheel the section on liability may contain information helpful to you regarding the vehicle you use to tow your trailer.

There are many things to consider, here are just a few:

Liability Coverage

There are a number of coverage's that fall under the category of liability coverage including Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury, Underinsured Motorist, Uninsured Motorist Property Damage, Personal Injury Protection and Medical Payments. Some of these coverage's vary by state.

Note: The Department of Insurance in the state you live in can be an excellent resource for additional information regarding state specific coverage's. Most states offer a Consumer Buyer's Guide on their website that will explain state specific nuances to each of these coverage's.

Bodily Injury is third party coverage. This means it provides protection for claims due to injuries to a passenger in your vehicle (other than you or a family member) or passengers in another vehicle, or pedestrians. It provides you, the owner/operator of a motor vehicle, with protection for your legal liability due to the ownership, maintenance or use of your RV. It is very important to select a limit that is high enough to protect your assets. You may be responsible for any amounts, related to injuries received to the third party, over and above the limit on your insurance policy. You can also purchase a separate umbrella policy that sits over all of your liability limits on your cars, your house and your motorized RV.

Property Damage is also a third party coverage, and provides protection for claims due to damage to other people's property. For example, Property Damage would pay to repair damage to the bumper of a car that you rear-end in an accident. Bodily Injury and Property Damage limits typically work together and can be either a split limit or a combined single limit. A typical split limit has a different limit for damages to each person, each accident and property damage. For example, a common split limit would be $100,000/$300,000/$50,000. This means that for Bodily Injury coverage you have a maximum limit of $100,000 per person for each person injured not to exceed $300,000 per accident and a $50,000 limit for Property Damage. A common single limit for Bodily Injury and Property Damage is $300,000 meaning you have $300,000 to pay for all injuries and property damage arising from any one accident. It can be split any which way between injured parties and damaged property. Bodily Injury and Property Damage are required for all motorized RV's. For travel trailers and 5th wheel trailers liability follows the unit towing the trailer, so Bodily Injury and Property Damage coverage's are not necessary.

Uninsured Motorists (UM) and Underinsured Motorists (UIM) coverage's can be first or third party coverage's. UM provides protection for injuries you or someone else sustains in an accident due to the fault of another party when the at-fault party does not have any insurance. UIM provides protection for injuries you or someone else sustain in an accident due to the fault of another party when the at-fault party does have insurance, but not enough insurance to cover your damages. UM and UIM are sold on a split limit and combined single limit basis, just like Bodily Injury and Property Damage.

Your RV insurance can and should fit your RV. To get a free RV insurance quote with absolutely no obligation, I recommend Explorer RV Insurance Agency, Inc. you can call 1-888-774-6778.
Happy Camping,

Copyright 2006 by Mark J. Polk owner of RV Education 101

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Cheap Plane Tickets

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There are many strategies that are available in order to get always the cheap plane tickets but one single tool won't help to find cheap airfares. Using different options or combination of few strategies surely will help any traveler to any city or destinations get cheap plane ticket.

There are no step-by-step rules here to follow in order to get them. Use your leisure time and browse through all travel sites with the followings in mind:

Flexibility of travel dates we have seen is one of the great deciding factors in finding out air tickets. Most people want to travel on the weekends and airlines know about it and charge extra from $25-$30 extra each way on each ticket. Traveling midweek is a better option.

Also keep in mind high peak seasons during summer vacations or during Christmas holiday time airlines tend to charge more money in order to cover up their losses or make up on the revenues they have been loosing during low periods. If possible avoid these peak high seasons in order to take advantage of cheap plane tickets.

There are published fares (full price airline tickets) and there are net fares (discounted tickets) There are less restrictions of travel on publish fares than on net fares but most of the travelers always buy discount tickets on net fares as published fares air tickets are almost double the price. Cheap plane tickets with net fares one can save as much as 30 to 50 % over.

Although net fares discount tickets are cheap but there are always penalty to pay for change of travel dates or for cancellations. Check with the airlines or the travel agents you buying the cheap plane tickets from.

Buying travel insurance is a good idea as it can save you the hassle plus from the catastrophe in the event of sickness or cancellations or some other unknown reasons. If not all but you can save good portion of your paid money on the cheap plane tickets you bought.

Buying cheap plane tickets is one piece of the whole journey, traveling with the minimum baggage and getting flu shots or carrying other travel sickness medicines along with you while moving in unfamiliar territory can surly be of great help.

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